Highlighting Breast Cancer Solutions Via High-Powered Articles And Reviews

Jan 28, 2009

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How to Detect and Treat Breast Cancer

t can be very helpful to know more about how to detect breast cancer because when it is diagnosed early it can be treated more effectively.

The breast is composed of a group of glands and ducts protected by a fatty tissue. When cancer occurs the cells start to divide and multiply quickly growing in an abnormal pace. It can start within the mammary glands or ducts and spread to the lymph nodes and the fat tissue around the breast. Although, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer amongst women under 35, only 8,000 women are diagnosed before their menopause, of which 2,000 are in their 20s or 30s, out of 44,000 women diagnosed each year.

There are some factors that can increase the risk of a woman developing breast cancer they are as follows:

  • Starting menstruation at a young age, before 12 years old.
  • Late menopause, after 55 years old
  • Being overweight, in particular after the menopause
  • If it is in the family history and/or inherited genes
  • Intake of HRT - only while taking it, the risks are reduced after stopping taking it
  • Regular intake of more than one unit of alcohol every day
  • Having previously had breast cancer

What symptoms you should be alert to?

  • Unexpected change in size or anatomy of the breast
  • Unexpected changes of the nipple, such as changing position or shape, becoming inverted or developing a rash or discharge
  • Skin of the breast appears puckered or dimpled
  • Continuous pain in one area either in the breast or under the armpit
  • Swelling of the armpit or in the region of the collarbone
  • A lump or thickening in the breast or armpit

How can breast cancer be diagnosed?

If you notice any of these symptoms or are concerned about any of them see your GP and he will exam you and if necessary refer you to a breast clinic for further examination and ultrasound scan or mammogram (breast X-ray). In case a lump is found, cells can be extracted with a delicate needle, or a biopsy can be performed to ascertain if the lump is malignant. The earlier it is detected the more effective the treatment can be. Learn how to do breast self-examination, as it makes easier to know your breasts and recognise any unnatural changes on them.

What are the types of treatment available?

Your specialist will decide on the type of treatment that would suit you best depending on the stage of the tumour, your age as well as your overall health condition and other factors. The treatment can include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or hormone therapy, either on their own or mixed within any order or combination.

By Jon Wade


3 Possible Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that affects around 44,500 people each year. Of these around 300 are believed to be men. It develops when tissues in the breast start to multiply in a rapid and uncontrolled fashion. Like other types of cancer, the symptoms can often be difficult to spot. However, if you know what you are looking for then your chances of identifying this condition early are greatly increased. In this article I will be helping you do just that by discussing three of the possible symptoms.

1) A LUMP OR THICKNESS IN THE BREAST:- Most breast lumps are not cancerous. According to Cancer Research UK 90% of these lumps are caused by; non-cancerous changes in the appearance of the breast, cysts (pouches of fluid in the breast tissue) or Fibroadenoma (a group of fibrous glandular tissues). However, this is still the most common breast cancer symptom so it is worth getting any lumps you do identify checked out by your doctor. Even if they do turn out to be non-cancerous you can identify the cause and possibly have the lump removed simply by going to see your doctor.

2) A CHANGE IN THE BREAST SKIN'S APPEARANCE:- If your breast skin starts to look different this could be a sign of breast cancer. This type of cancer may cause your breast skin to become dimpled (like an orange peel), wrinkled, swollen or inflamed. However, like with lumps a change in the breast skin's appearance can be down to other factors. It may be caused by another less serious medical condition, some medications you have been taking or some other influence. Whatever the cause, you should have any unexplained change in the skin examined by your doctor to be on the safe side.

3) LIQUID DISCHARGE FROM THE NIPPLE:- Another possible symptom of breast cancer is nipple discharge. This discharge can be in the form of either blood or pus that is clear, green or yellow. However, like the above symptoms discharge from the nipple is generally down to other causes. Even so the only way to be sure is to go and see your doctor who will then be able to perform further tests and identify the cause.

Breast cancer is relatively difficult to spot. Even if you do identify one of the symptoms listed above, it is does not necessarily mean you have cancer. However, by knowing what to look for you can take action early and go see your doctor. If they determine that the symptoms are non-cancerous you can put your mind at rest. If the symptoms do turn out to be cancerous you are still in a good position because the cancer has been discovered early when it is much more treatable. Examine your breasts regularly and if you notice any of the symptoms listed in the article go see your doctor right away.

Whilst every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative, it is intended for general information only. Breast cancer is a very serious, life threatening condition and you should discuss any concerns, treatments or lifestyle changes fully with your doctor.

By Thomas Parker


Living With Breast Cancer

Do you or someone you know have breast cancer? I also live with breast cancer every day. There is no known cure for breast cancer, but there are things that you can do, while living with breast cancer, which also means, keeping your breast cancer in remission. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago, and I live a completely normal lifestyle and you can too. The answer is lots of prayer and a complete lifestyle makeover.

Changing your lifestyle is not always easy but, little steps at a time can bring you great results. It is very important to keep a positive frame of mind, while living with breast cancer, do not fear your breast cancer, but educate yourself on the advance medication and treatments that are available to you. One of the most informative magazines available on the market today, is CURE magazine. It is very informative, and it can bring you the latest information about cancer research and treatments.

If you or someone you know has any kind of cancer, you can get this magazine for free. If you are considering chemotherapy or radiation, learn to prepare yourself before these treatments. I decided to take partial radiation treatments, and no chemotherapy treatments, due to the devastating effect that chemotherapy has on the human body.

I believe that not taking chemotherapy treatment is part of what saved my life. If you are planning on taking chemotherapy or radiation you must prepare yourself before these treatments, by building up your immune system. Please remember that by the time you have been diagnosed with any kind of cancer, this is a sign that your immune system has been severely compromised, which allows cancer to set in. There are things that you can do to buildup your weakened immune system. It's been a long journey, but I've learned many things about living with breast cancer, and so can you.

I am a cancer advisor, guiding people on the road to viewing cancer in a whole new light. People need to know that there's life AFTER cancer. Being a 5 year cancer survivor I have learned many things. As I continue to guide folks on their continued journey, people become at ease, therefore able to uncover concealed hurt and pain hidden away like an old treasure map.There's much to learn about the release of guilt and pain, in order to begin the healing process. One must unite the spiritual and physical body back as one,before inner healing can begin. The body MUST become Renewed!

By Lobita Grimes


Jan 6, 2009

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Truths You Need To Know About Breast Cancer

Breast cancer or any type of cancer is an enemy to humanity. It must be seen as that; therefore must be approached as such. When it invades the human body, it brings with it an end to peace; it introduces pain, discomfort, uncertainties and distractions. My heart goes out to all cancer sufferers especially those women folks that are suffering from breast cancer all over the world wherever you may live, it is well with you; you’ll overcome every traits of that malignancy and be free and healthy again. People claim that breast cancer cannot be treated; nothing can be father from the truth. I highly reccommend CANCER FREE to you because I have incredible feats performed by Bill Henderson Author, "Cure Your Cancer" and "Cancer-Free"

Breast cancer is found mostly in women folk, a few cases of male folks contacting breast cancer has been reported, too. My focus in BREAST CANCER REMEDIES will be hinge around breast cancer in women.

Breast cancer as the name implies is a cancerous (malignant) tumor that attacks the breast of women. It starts from the cells of the breast; it starts like a little clot. If undetected early can fan out across the breast and in some reported cases can overspread to the other breast.

Since breast cancer attacks the breast, to understand breast cancer tumor and how it operates and how it can be easily treated; it is assistive to highlight some fundamentals about the normal make-up or parts of the breast.


The female breast is made up of mammary glands that create breast milk (lobules) you’ll also find tiny ducts (small tubing’s that convey milk from the lobules to the teat (nipple), inside the breast you will find fatty and connective tissue, lymph and blood vessels. It is instructive to know that most breast cancer starts around the cells that line the ducts which carry milk from the lobules to the nipple and is referred to as ductal cancer. Others may begin in the lobules itself and is referred to as lobular cancer; some tiny fraction starts in the other tissues that make up the breast.


Further Truths You Need To Know About Breast Cancer

Let it be pointed out at this junction that not every lump or tumor you find in the breast is a cancer. It is very instructive that you understand that most lumps or tumors are benignant. This means that they are not dangerous to health; not recurrent or progressive (especially of a tumor) in other words they are not a cancer. Benignant breast lumps or tumor are defective (abnormal) growths, their growths are limited to within the breast and are not dangerous to life; they can easily be treated. Let me add here; that some benignant breast tumors can be catalyst for breast cancer if not identified and treated early.

Benignant breast lumps are caused by fibrocystic disease of the breast precipitated by fibrocystic changes. These changes result to breast swelling and pain. They’re cysts sacs filled with fluids, while fibrosis is the development of excess fibrous connective tissue in the breast; it is the formation of scar-like tissue. They are noticeable in women just before their period is to begin. This is the period when the breasts are very lumpy and you may notice a somewhat murky discharge.
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It is also very important for women folks to understand the lymph system since this is the major channel via which breast cancer can spread easily.

The lymph system is made up of small nodes which are bean-shaped assemblages (collections) of immune system cells that is a system (including the thymus and bone marrow and lymphoid tissues) that protects the breast from foreign substances and pathogenic organisms by producing the immune response, Lymphatic vessels can be compared to small veins that carry a very clear fluid called lymph away from the breast. Breast cancer can access lymphatic vessels, take abode there and begin to grow in the lymph nodes.

Almost every lymph vessels of the breast extend to the lymph node under the arm, what does this means? It means that if breast cancer cells access the underarm lymph nodes and are encouraged to grow, they result in the swelling of the nodes. They must be checked and stopped around here because if undetected can spread to the bloodstream and other parts of the body which can complicate treatment.

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Important Breast cancer terms You Need To Be Familiar With

It is a little difficult to flow or understand health personnel’s when they begin to reel out their terms or jargons when it come to breast cancer related issues. This write-up is intended to water down all the related terms associated with breast cancer; Happy reading:

• Adenocarcinoma: Malignant tumor originating in glandular (Relating to or affecting or functioning as a gland) epithelium (Membranous tissue covering internal organs and other internal surfaces of the body). This is a type of cancer that starts in glandular tissue (tissue that makes and secretes a substance).

• Carcinoma: Any malignant tumor derived from epithelial tissue; one of the four major types of cancer. This term is employed to identify a cancer that begins in the lining layer of organs such as the breast. At least 80% of all cancers are carcinomas, and almost all breast cancers are carcinomas.

• Invasive (infiltrating) carcinoma: An invasive carcinoma is a state of cancerous attack or invasion that has already penetrated deep and beyond the layer of cells where it started from.

• Carcinoma in situ: A cluster of malignant cells that has not yet invaded the deeper epithelial tissue or spread to other parts of the body.

• Sarcoma: A usually malignant tumor arising from connective tissue (bone or muscle etc.); one of the four major types of cancer. They start from connective tissues such as muscle tissue, fat tissue or blood vessels.

• Adjuvant therapy: Treatment used in addition to the main treatment. The term usually refers to hormone therapy, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy added after surgery to increase the chances of curing the disease or keeping it in check.

• Antibody: Any of a large variety of proteins normally present in the body or produced in response to an antigen which it neutralizes, thus producing an immune response.

• Antigen: Any substance (as a toxin or enzyme) that stimulates an immune response in the body (especially the production of antibodies)

• Blood Brain Barrier: A mechanism that creates a barrier between brain tissues and circulating blood; serves to protect the central nervous system. "the brain was protected from the large molecules of the virus by the blood-brain barrier"

• Cell: the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms. The basic unit of which all living things are made. The processes that control formation of new cells and death of old cells are disrupted in cancer.

• Chemotherapy: Systemic treatment with drugs to destroy cancer cells. It is often administered intravenously and can be given as single therapy or in combination with multiple drugs at once. Chemotherapy can be administered concurrently or sequentially with other treatments and in addition to surgery or radiation to treat cancer when it has spread, when it has come back (recurred), or when there is a strong chance that it could recur.

• Inflammatory Breast Cancer: A type of invasive breast cancer with spread to lymphatic vessels in the skin covering the breast. The skin of the affected breast is red, feels warm, and may thicken to the consistency of an orange peel. About 1-6 percent of all breast cancer is inflammatory breast cancer.

• Intravenous: Within or by means of a vein. A method of supplying fluids or medications using a needle inserted in a vein.

• Metastasis: The spreading of a disease to another part of the body; also known as advanced cancer. A jargon or term describing stages of cancer in which the disease has spread from the primary site to other parts of the body.

• Neoadjuvant therapy: Systemic therapy, such as chemotherapy or hormone therapy, given before surgery. This can shrink some breast cancers, so that surgical removal can be accomplished with a less extensive operation than would otherwise be needed.

• Oncologist: A specialist in oncology, A doctor with special training in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

• Radiation therapy: (medicine) the treatment of disease (especially cancer) by exposure to a radioactive substance.

• Tumor: An abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purpose.

• Volumetric Analysis: A quantitative calculation of the space taken up by the metastatic lesion used to compare over time and assess growth or shrinkage.


Jan 5, 2009

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The focus of my blog BREAST CANCER REMEDIES is to highlight through informative articles and reviews: Preventive strategies, Effective drugs applications, Winning attitudes that breast cancer patients can adopt to overcome their ailments and lots more!

Trust me; My heart goes out to ALL breast cancer sisters/ladies wherever you may be. I want to REASSURE you that you'll win the race against breast cancer and LIVE healthy again.

Please bookmark this site because you'll find it a useful place to visit againa and again!

To Your Success,

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